Imagine waking up each morning feeling more aligned with your goals, clear-headed, and ready to attract abundance into your life. That’s the power of combining brainwave frequencies with subconscious reprogramming in a guided meditation, and it’s now possible with the Wealth Guided Meditation featuring Gamma, Alpha, Theta, and 888Hz frequencies.

This meditation not only tunes your mind to wealth and success, but it also stimulates the hippocampus—a crucial part of the brain that plays a key role in memory, learning, and emotional regulation. By engaging your brain in these specific frequencies, you can clear mental blocks, reprogram your subconscious mind, and build the cognitive foundation necessary to achieve your dreams.

Why Expanding the Hippocampus is Essential

The hippocampus is often called the “memory center” of the brain, but its functions go far beyond just recalling past events. This small, seahorse-shaped region is crucial for learning new informationemotional balance, and decision-making. When the hippocampus is stimulated and expanded, it improves your ability to learn from experiencesadapt to changes, and make better decisions in daily life.

For those seeking financial abundance, having a well-functioning hippocampus is a game-changer. The ability to make smart, informed decisions is critical for success, and expanding the hippocampus helps sharpen these mental faculties. Additionally, by stimulating this area during sleep, the brain processes and stores new information more effectively, helping you wake up with a clearer perspective on how to achieve your goals.

How the Frequencies Work

Each frequency range in this meditation is carefully selected to bring specific benefits to your mind and body. Here’s a breakdown of how these frequencies contribute to the wealth reprogramming process:

Gamma (30-100 Hz)

Gamma frequencies are known for their ability to enhance cognitive function. By boosting mental clarity, focus, and problem-solving skills, Gamma waves help you make better decisions and align your actions with your financial goals. Gamma also plays a key role in neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to form new neural connections, making it easier to develop a mindset of abundance.

Alpha (8-12 Hz)

Alpha waves are the bridge between conscious thinking and the subconscious mind. This frequency range is perfect for relaxationcreativity, and subconscious reprogramming. When you’re in an Alpha state, your mind is more open to new ideas and possibilities, making it easier to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset of wealth and success.

Theta (4-8 Hz)

Theta waves are associated with deep meditation and subconscious access. This frequency is particularly effective for releasing mental blocks and reprogramming the subconscious mind. It allows you to tap into the part of your brain where your deepest beliefs about money, success, and abundance are stored. Theta frequencies also promote emotional healing and stimulate the growth of the hippocampus, which is essential for building new, empowering beliefs about wealth.

888Hz – The Frequency of Prosperity

Known as the “wealth frequency,” 888Hz is said to resonate with the energy of financial abundance and prosperity. When paired with Gamma, Alpha, and Theta frequencies, 888Hz acts as an amplifier, enhancing the wealth-attracting power of the meditation. It aligns your energy with success and opens the door for new financial opportunities to flow into your life.

Why This Meditation Works Best During Sleep

While you sleep, your brain processes and consolidates the information you’ve gathered throughout the day. This is the perfect time to introduce powerful frequencies and guided reprogramming because your subconscious mind is more receptive to change during this deep rest period.

By listening to this Wealth Guided Meditation while you sleep, you allow the frequencies to work on a deeper level, helping to reprogram limiting beliefs and expand the hippocampus, all without conscious effort. As your brain absorbs the positive messages and frequencies, you wake up feeling more in tune with your goals and more aligned with the energy of abundance.

How to Use This Meditation

For the best results, it’s recommended to listen to the Wealth Guided Meditation for 21 consecutive days. This extended period allows the brain enough time to form new neural connections and embed new subconscious beliefs. You can listen to the track while sleeping, using headphones or connecting it to a Rodin coilRife machine, or other bioresonance devices to amplify the effects.

Benefits of Using Brainwave Frequencies

In addition to expanding the hippocampus and enhancing your ability to achieve wealth, brainwave frequencies offer several other benefits:

  • Gamma Waves: Improve focus, problem-solving skills, and decision-making abilities, all of which are key to financial success.
  • Alpha Waves: Help reduce stress, foster creativity, and open the subconscious mind for reprogramming.
  • Theta Waves: Promote emotional healing, stimulate the hippocampus, and allow access to the subconscious for deep, lasting change.
  • 888Hz: Enhances the energy of wealth and prosperity, aligning you with financial success.

The 21-Day Challenge

Taking the 21-Day Challenge with this meditation could be the best decision you make for your future. By committing to this simple, daily practice, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to unblock limiting beliefs, expand your hippocampus, and open up to the flow of abundance in your life.

You’ll find that over time, your mindset shifts towards success, your ability to make smart financial decisions improves, and you become more receptive to the opportunities that come your way.


This meditation is designed for general well-being and personal development. It is not a substitute for professional financial advice or services. Always consult with a licensed professional for specific financial or medical concerns.