Imagine a future where cancer cells are destroyed not by chemotherapy or radiation, but by the simple yet powerful force of sound waves. This is not a distant dream, but a reality being shaped by Dr. Anthony Holland, a pioneer in the field of frequency medicine. His groundbreaking research focuses on using the 11th harmonic, a powerful frequency combination that shatters cancer cells like glass, offering a non-invasive and natural alternative to conventional treatments.

The Journey to the Magic Frequency

Dr. Holland’s journey began with a question: Can sound frequencies be used to destroy cancer cells? Armed with curiosity, he and his team spent over 15 months meticulously testing hundreds, if not thousands, of different frequencies. They started with 100 Hz, observing through a microscope to see if anything happened to microorganisms. Five minutes passed—nothing. They moved to 101 Hz, 102 Hz, 103 Hz—still nothing.

But Holland and his team were undeterred. Through countless trials, they eventually discovered the magic combination: two input frequencies—one low, one high. The higher frequency, they found, must be 11 times the lower frequency. Musicians would call this the 11th harmonic. When they added the 11th harmonic, something remarkable happened: the microorganisms began to shatter, much like a crystal glass shatters when exposed to a high-pitched sound.

Shattering Cancer Cells

The breakthrough came when Holland and his team showed their results to colleagues in the biology department. They were astounded, having never seen anything like it. Microorganisms were disintegrating under the force of these precise electronic signals. It wasn’t just a fluke—it was a new phenomenon.

This discovery led to an invitation to spend four months in a cancer research lab, where Dr. Holland tested his frequency method on cancer cells. The results were nothing short of astonishing. Pancreatic cancer cells, in particular, showed clear signs of destruction. After being exposed to the frequency, the cancer cells began to change shape, growing long, antenna-like structures as if trying to “tune in” to the signal. But rather than survive, the cells entered a process of disintegration.

Targeting Specific Cancer Cells

One of the most remarkable aspects of Holland’s research is the ability to target specific types of cancer. In repeated laboratory experiments, his team successfully killed up to 60% of leukemia cells, while simultaneously slowing the growth rate of the remaining cancer cells by as much as 65%. This dual effect of killing cancer cells and inhibiting their growth offers a promising new approach to cancer treatment.

The success didn’t stop with leukemia. Dr. Holland’s frequencies were also effective against ovarian and pancreatic cancer cells, demonstrating their potential to target multiple cancer types with precision.

The Future of Cancer Treatment: Frequency Medicine

So, what does this mean for the future of cancer treatment? Dr. Holland envisions a world where children’s cancer treatment rooms are filled with pulsing plasma lights rather than harsh chemicals and painful procedures. In this new reality, children can draw, color, and play, unaware that the gentle, non-toxic frequencies around them are quietly shattering their cancer cells.

This promising research has caught the attention of the broader scientific and medical communities, and it’s only a matter of time before frequency-based treatments become a cornerstone of cancer therapy.

Frequency Medicine and the Power of PEMF Healing

Dr. Holland’s work is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the power of frequency medicine. The field of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has been growing rapidly, offering new ways to use frequencies to promote healing, improve health, and enhance well-being. The PEMF Healing App is at the forefront of this movement, providing users with access to thousands of advanced frequencies designed to target a wide range of health conditions, including cancer. The app also includes groundbreaking discoveries like Dr. Holland’s, making frequency therapy accessible to everyone.

For more in-depth research on frequency medicine, and to learn about the latest developments in the field, visit You can also explore articles, case studies, and expert insights on the future of health and wellness at


Dr. Anthony Holland’s research is a beacon of hope in the fight against cancer. By harnessing the power of frequencies and the 11th harmonic, he is paving the way for a future where cancer cells can be shattered without the need for invasive and toxic treatments. As frequency medicine continues to advance, the potential for non-invasive, natural cancer treatments grows ever closer to reality.

Discover more about the healing power of frequencies today and start your journey to better health with PEMF Healing.

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